Competency Based Framework

The Norris School District Macrocosm distinguishes a learner centric approach to developing agency and leadership at all levels. Competency-based continuums is one of the core principles of the macrocosm.  

Competency-based continuums create a framework for learning allowing learners to navigate the competencies to demonstrate proficiency.    

Norris views learning in four dimensions; Academic, Employability, Citizenship and Wellness.  Priority Continuum across each dimension outline the essential competencies that all learners will be able to apply at a high level across many experiences.

Competency frameworks coupled with personal plans and pathways allow learners to advance upon sufficient competency demonstration rather than after a fixed period of time or teacher led age, grade or seat time pacing.  The emphasis is on what is learned rather than what is measured. Learners use these continuums that track their progress in coursework and across priority competencies.  Personal graphs and continuums are updated during conferring sessions where specialists and learners review evidence of learning and determine readiness for next steps.