Academy at a Glance
At Norris learners are empowered to have high levels of (learner) agency by actively participating with purpose to build a deep understanding of self, and to co-design plans and pathways that unleash their uniqueness and develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to pursue their passions and interests. Learners are given license to become socially embedded, self-aware, self-directed capable learners who have the self-efficacy (confidence) to act with purpose to achieve the conditions they desire and to reach their fullest potential. These core competencies are further defined in the Norris Profile of a Learner.
Competency Based Framework
Learning at Norris is viewed in four dimensions. Competency continuums define necessary learning by identifying priority competencies and learning goals across each dimension. Learners demonstrate evidence of competency attainment as they track their progress across the continuum. Successful completion of competency clusters will earn credit for graduation
Profile, Plans, and Pathways
Learning at Norris begins with the development of a Learner Profile. Through a series of diagnostics assessments, surveys and personal explorations learners identify who they are and who they want to become across the four dimensions.
The Learner Profile informs each learner’s Plan. Each Plan consists of a Pathway to Graduation (long term) along with short term multidimensional competency-based goals.
Learners co-design relevant and contextualized PATHWAYS that identify the learning experiences they will participate in to achieve their Plans. Pathways may also provide distinct steps to achieve learning goals.
Specialists confer with learners to discuss Progress, provide feedback, and assist learners to gather evidence of competency attainment.
Evidence is attached to the Profile as Proof of learning. Plans and Pathways are adjusted regularly to reflect student learning.
Learning Communities
Learning at Norris begins in the Connections community (9-12) where learners engage in an orientation process. As part of that process learners self select into Learning Communities aligned with interests and future aspirations. Each community provides opportunity for learners to participate in an interest driven career pathway that delves more deeply into competencies related future career aspirations.
Discovery and Explorations (K-8) provide a more inclusive experience for younger and middle level learners.
Learner Centered Focus
Norris Academy offers a learner centric model with personal, relevant and contextualized experiences that are unique for each learner. The goal is to build the capacity of each learner to develop a deep understanding of self so that they can advocate for their needs and interests and eventually co-design learning experiences that offer oportunities to demonstate competency while leading to a fullfilled life and future.
Learning Experiences
Learners create unique schedules which include a variety of learning experiences unique to their Plans and Pathways. These experiences may be individual or small group, adult or learner led, and place based or open walled.
Learning Network
An interdependent team of professionals
form a network to support learner
engagement and develop self advocacy.
Learning Liaisons provide oversight of
each learner’s experience, manage IEPs,
and provide a conduit for communication
for the Learning Network to and from
families and placing agencies.
Learning Specialists confer with learners
to co-design plans and pathways, lead
seminars, provide feedback, and certify
competency attainment.
Advocates understand and champion the
needs of staff and learners to ensure that
all interactions are viewed through a
trauma invested lens and each individual’s
needs respected.
Coaches support learning through active
engagement to reduce barriers, maintain
learning momentum, and provide support
in the implementation of pathways.

“Norris gave me the confidence to understand my strengths and struggles so I can advocate for myself.”