A learner in the Green Zone may be ready to tackle a challenging math assessment. A learner in the Orange Zone may need to take a movement break to refocus before attending an academic lab.
Zones of Readiness
The Norris Zones of Readiness are a way for each learner to reflect and identify internal feelings impacting their ability to engage with learning at the moment. There are differning emotional states that a learner can exhibit that may make it challenging for them to focus on learning.
Zones of Readiness are a visual representation of the "emotional zones" a learner may experience. Self identifying your zone can help learners selct appropriate learning activities or strategies to help the learner reach the desired state.
The Green Zone is used to describe when you are in a calm state. You are in the green zone when you describe yourself as happy, focused, content, and ready to learn. This is the zone where optimal learning occurs.
The Orange Zone describes when you are in control but a heightened state of alertness with elevated emotions. You are in the orange zone when you are experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, or nervousness.
The Blue Zone is used to describe when you have low states of alertness and down feelings, such as when you feel sad, tired, sick, or bored.
The Brown Zone describes when you are in an extremely heightened state of alertness and intense emotions. You are in the in this zone when you are experiencing anger, rage, explosive behavior, devastation, or terror when in the Brown Zone.

At the start of each learning opportunity, learners are asked to self-identify the Zone of Readiness that matches their emotional state. The visual chart is located in communities and at the top of each learners daily agenda. Learners either select an actiivity that is best suited for their Zone of Readiness or if they are not ready to learn, identify a strategy that can help them get refocused to acheive their desired state.
Movement and brain breaks are an important part of each learners success. Learners may find breaks a useful tool to refocus and channel energy to engage in learning. Learners schedule breaks of their choice between learning experiences or as needed to shift their zone of readiness to re-engage.