Graduation Requirements

students gratuating

The range of courses offered at Norris is designed to prepare students for a variety of post-secondary pursuits. The chart below gives students an example of pathways to graduation.  A learner must complete all requirements earning 23.5 credits for graduation before receiving a Norris Academy High School diploma. Norris Academy offers additional options to meet graduation requirements with School Board approval noted in the chart below.

Norris Academy Graduation Requirements

Norris Academy Alternative Education Requirements*

Orientation &
Bridge to Pursuits

1 Credit (Orientation Electives)
.75-1.5 (Bridge to Pursuit Electives)

1 Credit (Orientation Electives)
.75-1.5 (Bridge to Pursuit Electives)


4 Credits

Equivalent Proficiency of 4 Credits


3 Credits**

Equivalent Proficiency of 3 Credits


3 Credits
(1 Credit may be attained through a CTE Course)

Equivalent Proficiency of 3 Credits

Social Studies

3 Credits
Civics Test

Equivalent Proficiency of 3 Credits

Physical Education

1.5 Credits

Equivalent Proficiency of 1.5 Credits


.5 Credits

Equivalent Proficiency of .5 Credits


8.5 Credits Orientation and Bridge to Pursuits plus courses selected from any combination of courses offered in the 4 Dimensions

2 Credits Selected from any combination of courses offered in the 4 Dimensions


23.5 Credits

17.00 Credits

*With Norris School Board Approval
**(1 Credit may be attained through a CTE Course and/or a course in computer sciences per 118.33 High school graduation standards; criteria for promotion)