
Opportunities to support Norris learners and programming are welcomed and appreciate more than we can even express. Spending a few hours a day, week or year contributes to the richness of the Norris experience.  Local businesses, residents, retires, and organizations with time, talent or treasures to share with out learners are appreciated and provide opportunitity for our learners to interact with others.  Sometimes volunteers explore hobbies, interests and alternative career paths with learners and other times they simply share time to mentor and coach learners or simply just volunteer time with projects around the school.

Changing Lives through the Power of Learning 

If you or someone you know might be interested in spending a few hours or few days a week, month or even a year, supporting learning at Norris on campus please contact our Employability Liaison / (262) 910-3836. You may also complete the form and we will reach out to you. 

 *Please note all volunteers must submit to a background check.

Become a Mentor or Community Partner

Norris matches mentors with young learners who help build meaningful relationships that influence their lives at home, school, in their communities, and assist them in exploring hobbies and interests while developing employabilitiy skills for a successful and fulfilled life. For those who are being mentored, it is linked to improved academic, social and economic prospects. For those who are mentoring, the relationship can build leadership and management skills, expand a mentor’s professional network, and provide an empowering opportunity to give back to the community.

Mentoring a Norris youth guarantees young learners that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in navigating lifes challenges and oppotunities, and can provide guidance to forge a successful life and career.  Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships connect youth to personal growth, social and academic opportunity.

Mentors learn about themselves, share their talents and professional skills, enhance their resumes, develop empathy, and gain a deeper understanding of challneges facing youth today. Most importantly, mentors gain a sense of accomplishment by positively impacting the life of another person; the process of helping youth achieve their potential and discover their strengths is rewarding in itself.

Indiviuals interested in mentoring a Norris learner should complete the Voleneer Interest Form and we will reach out to you to further discuss.