Academic Dimension

Learning at Norris is viewed in four dimensions; Academic, Employability, Citizenship, and Wellness.  Together these dimensions provide the breadth of knowledge, skills, and learner practice that allow for a personalized experience that reflects each learner's interests and dimension of urgency.

The ACADEMIC dimension encompasses academic and vocational priority competencies and learning goals across the core academic, career, and technical education areas. Academic competencies contribute to gaining the knowledge and practices of successful learners.


Learning Specialists confer with each learner to co-design plans (long and short-term goals) and pathways that reflect each learners dimension of urgency.  The pathways include learning experiences that contribute to the learner reaching his/her plan.  Learning experiences are often multi-dimensional, addressing competencies from multiple areas. 

Learning experiences for each learner are unique and reflected on the learners daily agenda.  Examples of learning experiences that fall primarily within the ACADEMIC Dimension include:


Conferring is the process when a learner "confers" with a learning specialist or other member of his/her learning network to develop, assess, or coach through plans and pathways.  During conferring learners have personal conversations about their successes and identify strategies to overcome barriers.  This is also a time to present evidence of learning, update profiles and exercise voice in developing or updating relevant plans and pathways to pursue.

Academic Labs

Academic labs are individual or small group opportunities for more direct instruction or hands on engagment with learning directly related to coursework or competencies within a plan.  Academic Labs may be scheduled to address a specific need or in three week blocks addressing a series of related competencies.  Learners may be asked to complete follow up activities or prepare for labs during their independent plan and pathway time.

Skill Acceleration

Skill Acceleration is an opportunity for learners to meet with trained coaches to learn necessary skills to close gaps between where the learners are and where the learners need to be for competency attainment.  There are various levels of engagement including scheduled seminars, open lab time and game time to meet the varying needs of the individual learner.  Skill Acceleration Labs provide a risk-free environment so learners can capitalize on interests, and build enjoyment for literacy and math and other core academic areas as necessary.

Plans and Pathways

Learners have opportunity to schedule time to work independently or with the support of a coach or peer to complete steps within their Plan and Pathways. Learners may opt to use "Open Spaces" and work in learning community or  environments that have the necessary human capital and other resources necessary to support success.