Employment Opportunities
Norris employs a dynamic team of interdependent individuals with specialized roles. The "Norris Learning Network" is an intricate and systematic orchestration of people and resources working harmoniously to support students' learning. At the teams's core is a commitment to building learner agency, efficacy, and socially embedded learners. This steadfast focus requires each member of the learning network to be committed to building positive relationships and gaining a deep understanding of each learner, and supporting learning experiences that are relevant to the interests and career needs, and aspirations of each learner.
Norris seeks to employ dynamic and dedicated individuals who are committed to learning and their own professional growth. Job vacancies are posted on WECAN. Applications for employment may also be screened by submitting to Email J Noll.
Directors uphold the District Passion, Purpose by leading the design and development of practices that bring the six principles of the Norris Macrocosm to life. The Directors work in tandem to build leadership capacity throughout the network by engaging members of the learning team in iterative designs with multiple levels of input that move the organization to the next best place in realizing its vision and deepening its practice. They coach the team to move from promising practices to responsive enduring practices. They facilitate the professional growth of each network member by guiding the development of Professional Profiles, Plans and Pathways. They work to establish Operating Structures that reduce barriers and coach members of the team so that they may realize their professional goals.
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Specialists develop and confer with learners to guide them in navigating the competency continuum across the four dimensions. As learners progress along their path, learning specialists guide learners toward competency and course completion as well as life-long goals for futures beyond Norris.
Required Certification: Depending on specific vacancy, a variety of teacher certifications will be considered.
Learning Design Specialist (Immediate Opening). Apply on WECAN Vacancy #227875
Learning Design Specialist (2025-2026). Apply on WECAN Vacancy 227877
Math Learning Specialist (2025-2026) Apply on WECAN Vacancy #227863
Learning Design Specialist (Learn RBP, West Bend). Apply on WECAN Vacancy #227875
Navigators supports the vision, planning, and implementation of interest-based experiences at Norris, in the community, and across the globe through virtual means. They regularly facilitate Curiosity Labs and support learners in developing and engaging in interest based pursuits. Navigators had skill and expertise n a variety of career or interest areas and help young learners realize their itnerstes and push them to reflect before, during, and after interest based opportunities to see the relevancy of the activities to their futures and whether they could see themselves engaging in similar activities as potential career paths. DPI Certification as a Special Education Program Aide is required or ability to secure the license after employment
No Vacancies at This Time
Advocates/Coaches support learning through active engagement with learners to reduce barriers, maintain learning momentum and provide personal support in implementing the personalized learning pathway. This can be in an individual, small group, or community setting. They understand and champion the needs of learners to ensure that all interactions are viewed through a learner centered, trauma invested lens and each individual's needs respected. DPI Certification as a Special Education Program Aide is required or ability to secure the license after employment
No Vacancies at the time
Support Team
Support Team members provide specialized functions that support the District’s Operating Structures. The support team share their expertise and serve as content experts in their designated field involving learners whenever possible.
No Vacancies at this time
Equal Opportunity
The Norris School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, as required by Wisconsin Statute 118.12.