Contact Us

Business Hours

Our Office is staffed from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 3:30 pm.

Contact Us

Phone: (262) 662-5911
Fax: (262) 662-5502


W247 S10395 Center Drive
Mukwonago, WI 53149 


From the West

I-94 to Hwy. 83 (Hartland/Wales exit.). Right on 83 through Mukwonago to Hwy. L. Left on L for 3.5 miles. Turn right on Center Drive, at the Norris sign.

From the South

I-94 to Hwy. 20. Left on 20 to Hwy. 83, through Waterford and beyond to Hwy. L. Right on L for 3.5 miles. Turn right on Center Drive, at the Norris sign.

From the North

45 to 894. Take 894 to I-43 South exit. I-43 to Hwy. 164 (Waukesha/Big Bend exit). Left on 164 into Big Bend to Hwy. L. Right on L for 2.5 miles. Turn left on Center Drive, at the Norris sign.

From the East

I-94 West to 894. Take 894 to I-43 South. I-43 to Hwy. 164 (Waukesha/Big Bend exit). Left on 164 into Big Bend to Hwy. L. Right on L for 2.5 miles. Turn left on Center Drive, at the Norris sign.